The Swedish licensed copy of the US BAR (Browning Automatic Riffle)*
The "Kg" in Kg M/37 stands for Kulsprutegevær = Machine gun.
However directly translated it says "bullet spraying riffle".
The "Kg" in Kg M/37 stands for Kulsprutegevær = Machine gun.
However directly translated it says "bullet spraying riffle".
You can read more in depth information about the Swedish copy of the BAR light machine gun at:
In short, the Swedish army adopted the BAR shortly after the end of the Great War. (WWI) but quickly began manufacturing their own, in the their own calibre that matched the M/96 riffle. The new version were called the Kg m/21, and was produced by the weapons factory Carl Gustafs Stads Gevärsfaktori in Eskilstuna. (Now known as "Bofors")
In short, the Swedish army adopted the BAR shortly after the end of the Great War. (WWI) but quickly began manufacturing their own, in the their own calibre that matched the M/96 riffle. The new version were called the Kg m/21, and was produced by the weapons factory Carl Gustafs Stads Gevärsfaktori in Eskilstuna. (Now known as "Bofors")
The M/21 had a major drawback. The barrel was fixed, and could not be changed. They came up with a trial version with interchangeable barrels in the mid 1930s and by 1937 the Kg m/37 was ready to enter service.
The spare part and tool kits for the Kg m/37 were a left over from the Kg m/21 and came in pairs.
Pouch No. 1 contained:

Enough with the background story, here is my own set of pouches, with spare parts and tools for cleaning and maintenance.
The pouches are made of heavy duty leather, with white stitching and brass rivets. Pouch No.1 has a wood interior with cuts for the different tools and spare parts. Pouch No.2 has a cotton tool roll instead, because it also need to accommodate the extra dust cover and a speed loader.
My set is about 80% complete. I need things like the "pull though" and the oil bottle. Things that was used regularly and perhaps was scavenged from left over sets left in storage like mine.
Pouch No 1:

Pouch No. 2
* Taken from the book - Detaljkatalog Kulsprutegevär m/21 och m/37. Pag. 66.
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