Found something very very interesting the other day I want to share with my readers!
The Norwegian army between ca. 1930-40! The drawings are from the same time period.
Enjoy! And feel free to ask any questions!
The text on the pictures are in Norsk and Deutsch (Norwegian and German)
Så til dem af jer der kan norsk, bare læs på planchen!
The Norwegian army between ca. 1930-40! The drawings are from the same time period.
Enjoy! And feel free to ask any questions!
The text on the pictures are in Norsk and Deutsch (Norwegian and German)
Så til dem af jer der kan norsk, bare læs på planchen!
NB!! You can click on the pictures to view them in a larger version!
On the left: Captain in the cavalry
The following pictures are different regimental flags and the flag from the ministry of defence.

ReplyDeleteSEVERAL LINKS DO NOT WORK...BUT IT'S GREAT EFFORT...LITTLE IS KNOWN ABOUT THE NORW. ARMY/ i HAVE QUITE A FILE...PROBABLY BETTER THAN THE GREAT LT HAALAND! I have an Olaf silver beret badge, given to me with the beret by a Capt in the Norv Cavalry in the '60's....he visited my unit.